Return to ESF – Exploratory Workshop


Thursday 13 September 2012
15.30-15.15 Opening

15.30-15.45Welcome by Convenors
Caterina La Porta (University of Milano, Milan, Italy)
Stefano Zapperi (CNR-IENI, Milan, Italy)

15.45-16.15 Presentation of the European Science Foundation (ESF)
Marcela Morvova (ESF for Physical and Engineering Sciences (PESC)) Giovanni Pacini (ESF Standing Committee for the European Medical Research Councils (EMRC))

16.15-17.00 Aftrenoon Session: Angiogenesis

16.15-17.00 Tumor angiogenesis and antiangiogenic cancer therapy
Y. Cao (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden)

17.20-19:30 Speed Dialogues


Friday 14 September 2012

09.00-11.15 Morning Session: Modeling tumor growth

09.00-09.45 Emergence of microstructural patterns and morphological changes in skin cancers
M. Ben Amar (ENS, Paris, France)

09.45-10.30Stochastic Models of Tumor Progression
T. Antal (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK)

10.30-11.15 Complex dynamics of cellular transcriptional response: how do cells get on the fast lane?
E. Domany (Weitzman Institute, Rehovot, Israel)

11.15-11.45Coffee / Tea Break

11.45-13.15 Morning Session: Aging and senescence

11.45-12.30 Cancer and aging: dangerous ties and overlapping mechanisms
J. P. Magalhaes (University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK)

12.30-13.15 Senescent cells in growing tumors: population dynamics and cancer stem cells
C. La Porta (University of Milano, Milan, Italy) and S. Zapperi (CNR, Milan, Italy)


14.30-17:30 Afternoon Session: Cancer Genomics

14.30-15.15 The role of p53 in the life of stem cells
V. Rotter (Weitzman Institute, Rehovot, Israel)

15.15-16.00 Single-Molecule Denaturation-Mapping of DNA on a nanofluidic chip
H. Flyvbjerg (Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark)

16.00-16.45 MONALISA: Molecular Nanotechnology for life science applications
G. Scoles (Università di Udine, Udine, Italy)

16.45-18.00 Discussion: a critical summary of the day


Saturday 15 September 2012

09.00-11.15 Morning Session: Biomechanics

09.00-09.45 Are biomechanical changes necessary for tumor progression?
J. Käs (University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany)

09.45-10.30 Growth and instabilities of epithelial tissues
J. F. Joanny/E. Hannezo (Institut Curie, Paris, France)

10.30-11.15 Experimental Studies of Fundamental Cancer Dynamics
R. Austin (Princeton University, Princeton, USA)

11.15-11.45Coffee / Tea Break

11.45-13.15 Morning Session: Cellular processes

11.45-12.30 Mechanism of mitotic spindle multipolarity independent of centrosome amplification – the role of chromosomal forces
H. Maiato (University of Porto, Porto, Portugal)

12.30-13.15 Modeling interactions of membranes: The nucleation and growth of adhesion domains of ligand-receptor bonds
A. Smith (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany)


14.30-16:30 Afternoon Session: Closing

14.30-16.00 Discussion: Cancer physics in Europe, follow-up activities/networking/collaboration

16:00-16:30Closing remarks

16:30 End of Workshop and departure